Where & How to Learn Italian?

Why learn Italian?

Because the Italian language is without any doubt one of the most beautiful languages on earth, a language that seems to capture the extraordinary essence and spirit of Italy, Learn Italian, and you will find your time in Italy so much more enjoyable.

Italians really appreciate foreigners making an effort to speak Italian; no matter how poor the attempt, you will find Italians will encourage you.

How to Start Learning Italian?

The really good news is that learning Italian is easy. I spoke very little Italian on arrival in Italy.

All you need to get started is to sign up for an online language course. I did the Rosetta Stone Italian courses but there are now far better value and cheaper ones and many that are free, like Duolingo.

Follow that up with a course at a good school, either in Italy, which is best, or in your home country. I did a number of courses through schools in Italy, and I am now completely fluent. I can assure you I am far from a genius so if I can do it anyone can.

How long does it take to become proficient in Italian?

The time to become proficient varies based on factors like prior language experience, daily practice, and the intensity of study. Generally, basic proficiency may take a few months, while higher levels could require a year or more.

Learn Italian

“Students at Pintadera in Alghero, Sardinia”

Which Language Schools in Italy are Best?

The ideal way to learn is through a school, ideally in Italy. Piedmont, Marche, and Sardinia are ideal for this, but Florence, Venice, or Rome are not. The reason is simple: there are too many English-speaking people in these cities. The result is that while at school you study Italian, but the problem is that outside of school hours you mix with English-speaking people and speak only English.

In cities like Florence and Venice, it sometimes seems that there are nearly as many tourists and students from English-speaking countries as there are locals.

For those who can make it over to Italy, I've vetted a number of schools in Piedmont, Sardinia, and Marche; at least my wife has. She's a teacher, Italian, and knows exactly what to look for in a good school.

We don't bother to list the bad or mediocre schools - we only feature great ones here.

Do I Need to know Italian before arriving in Italy to study?

No, it's not necessary. Many language schools offer courses for various proficiency levels, including beginners. Language schools often use immersive teaching methods that cater to students at different stages of language learning.

Are there opportunities for cultural immersion during language courses?

Yes, many language schools in Italy integrate cultural activities into their programs. This may include excursions, cooking classes, language exchange events, and interactions with local communities, providing ample opportunities for cultural immersion.

Learn Italian in Italy - The Schools

Marche Schools

The Dante Alighieri School in Mondavio

This superb school, situated in Mondavio (one of the loveliest Le Marche villages), has a lot going for it. First and foremost, they are great at teaching Italian, but that is just the beginning. Click for more.

The Scuola Italia in Urbania

It's a fabulous place to study Italian in Italy, and you won't find any unnecessary bureaucracy or formality here. This is a small, down-to-earth, and very friendly place. It is run by a group of bubbly thirty-something ladies and Roberto; all of them are so enthusiastic, helpful, and knowledgeable about the area, as well as great teachers who really do seem to care. They certainly do have a passion for what they do.

Scuola Dante Alighieri – Campus L’Infinito Recanati

How about a holiday in one of the loveliest corners of Le Marche? Well, that is what you get at this school. While you learn and absorb Italian, your teachers act as the best guides to Le Marche and even to places like Florence, Assisi, and Rome. Join in at local festivals and take part in folk celebrations.

After a short while, you really do feel right at home, chatting away in Italian at the events, evenings, and dinners the school organizes. Courses can be tailored to requirements and include, but are not limited to: Italian for business, individual conversation, Italian for the tourism industry, and even Italian for opera singers. Click here for more.

Piedmont Schools

Homestay and Personalized Italian Lessons

Lucia offers Italian lessons for students of any age. Right on the doorstep of Italy's most romantic lake...Lake Orta.

Become a member of this friendly family for a week or longer and learn more Italian than you'd ever have believed possible.

Classes involve conventional exercises and learning at a desk combined with sightseeing, reading newspapers, and watching and discussing Italian films, all based on a student’s preferences and level.

Your visit is tailored to suit your interests. So, if it is museums, nature (from the lakes to the mountains), wine or anything else you particularly enjoy, Lucia will take that into account in making your stay unforgettable.

Lucia can host a single student or a couple. Parents with children or babies are welcome. For more click here.

The Italiano Porticando school in Turin

The Italiano Porticando is a delightful, small and friendly school situated in the Quadrilatero Romano, the historical heart of Turin. Visit them here.

The Italian Virtual School

A lot of fabulous options on learning Italian; they do a great cooking course as well and offer an excellent homestay program.  Have a look at their website for more details.

Sardinian Schools

Centro Mediterraneo Pintadera

Situated in the fabulous town of Alghero, this school is the perfect place to learn Italian while at the same time enjoying a fantastic holiday. Click for more info.

Can't get to Italy?

A good way to learn, and have fun at the same time, is with PlayItalian.com

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Another school in Sardinia is this one.  

While in Le Marche you can try the Centro Culturale.