
The Jewel in the Mediterranean - Procida Island

Turquoise seas surround an island filled with cottages of a hundred shades and hues. This is the gem of the Mediterranean. This is Procida. The island where the movie The Postman (Il Postino), was filmed

To get here (there's a map further down the page) you sail out across the Gulf of Naples. Translucent seas seem to continue forever, but then suddenly the ferry approaches the harbor.

Your first glimpse of the island takes in the colored houses and a little yellow church, it is the parish church of most of the fishermen who go out at sea every day. Inside, wives and family often kneel quietly, in a nearly empty church, and pray for their safe return.

At the top of the hill, a castle dominates the scene. Between the hill and the harbor is a lovely little hotel, the Hotel La Vigna (once the island's watchtower). If you've chosen well, this will be where you're staying on the island.

Check into your room and joyfully open the shutters. You sense what awaits: and suddenly you've let paradise into your room, the sights, and sounds of Procida are there outside and you quickly unpack, eager to rush outside and be a part of the colorful life of this island.

Step outside, and the grapevines that surround the hotel makes one think of enjoying a glass of wine somewhere in the old town, while a mandarin tree seems to be bearing a thousand tiny suns. Overhead the sky seems impossibly blue.

Later, enjoy a little walk through the garden. The wondrous Gulf of Naples lies before you, with Vesuvius soaring high above Naples in the distance. Nearby Punta Campanella and Capri salute. Far below the waves splash onto the shore and high above the seagulls sail in the breeze. Your heart soars but then sinks at the thought that sometime soon you must leave this paradise, the sense of pending lose is almost unbearable.

Procida is certainly one of the planet's most beautiful places. The enchanting, tempting, romantic harbour is a little world unto itself.  The refuge of which everybody dreams, loved for centuries by authors, poets and artists. Pink, yellow, white, green and red predominate in this fishing village, situated like an amphitheater next to the sea.

The charm of the old town envelops you. Lose yourself in the labyrinthine alleys, where laundry dances in the breeze above you and colorful shutters adorn centuries-old buildings. Experience the warmth of the locals as they welcome you into their trattorias, where traditional dishes burst with flavors that tell the story of Procida's culinary heritage.

The magic of Procida extends beyond its picturesque streets and vibrant harbor. As you venture further into the island's embrace, you'll discover hidden treasures that will leave you breathless. Follow the winding paths that meander through landscapes that range from rugged cliffs that meet the azure sea to secluded coves.

As the day draws to a close, find solace at one of the island's viewpoints, where breathtaking panoramas await. Watch as the sun dips below the horizon, setting the sky ablaze with hues of orange and gold and painting a picture that words simply cannot capture. In this moment, you realize that Procida is not just a destination; it's an emotion that lingers in your heart long after you've bid it farewell.

The photos that follow were shared with us by Susanne Drewes, one of our friends from our Facebook community. Thank you Susanne for sharing the photos and your stories of Procida.

Corricella Procida
Gulf of Naples and Procida Island
Old buildings on Procida
Il Postino Island
Boats in Procida
Sunset on Procida Island
A street in Procida
Hotel in Procida
Colorful post boxes on the island of Procida
Evening in Procida
Sunset over the Gulf of Naples
Procida Island
Lemons Procida
Sunset Mediterranean
Procida Rooftops

Still want more of Procida? Click here.

Click to purchase Susanne's latest book (only in German for now).

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